Diversity in Scandi - a photoshoot with Duns Sweden

My children are white, able-bodied, neuro-typical. As special and unique as they are, I see other children who look and act just like them every day. I see children like mine on TV, while I'm scrolling Instagram, in magazines. My children are well-represented within the Scandi community - they see mirrors of themselves everywhere.
For children who aren't white, able-bodied and/or neuro-typical, the picture is quite different. Representations of children who don't fit the 'model mould' are few and far between in all areas of life, but especially in childrenswear. And that's something I want to change.
A few weeks ago I posted in one of the most popular Facebook Scandi groups, asking for models to help with a photoshoot. My aim was to find diverse representations within the Scandi community, and I asked for parents of children who are BIPOC, disabled and/or neuro-diverse to apply. I was absolutely blown away by the number of responses and all the amazing children I got to 'meet'. Choosing just five families was a very hard task!
But choose I did, and on a chilly Saturday morning I hosted a (socially distanced!) photoshoot in Gledhow Woods, Leeds, with five wonderful, diverse, representative families, all wearing the Duns Sweden Autumn collection.
Photographer Laura Adams captured the spirit of the project so perfectly - her photos bring the clothing to life and really show just how beautiful this collection is. But the real stars of the show were - of course - the kids...
These wonderful children represent a spectrum of age, race and ability that is often excluded from 'official' images of childrenswear. They came to the shoot in a blaze of glory, full of energy and life and laughter. They were a joy to (kind of) direct, and the photos just sparkle with their magic. We captured every moment, from the moody looks to the sibling squabbles and the tender cuddles, allowing the kids to be themselves, celebrating their innate 'kiddishness'.
I hope you agree that the end result is pretty damn special.
Rosie wearing Duns Sweden Blue Willowherb long sleeve twirly dress. Kye wearing Duns Sweden Blue Willowherb long sleeve top.
Hazel wearing Duns Sweden Mother of Pearl Rowanberry long sleeve twirly dress.
Hattie, Henry and Noah wearing Duns Sweden Chestnut long sleeve tops in Brook Green.
Emily and mum Becky wearing matching Duns Sweden Dill Cactus Green long sleeve tops.
Ben wearing Duns Sweden Brook Green Chestnut long sleeve top, Sam wearing Duns Sweden Green Rowanberry long sleeve top, Logan wearing Duns Sweden Dark Purple Radishes long sleeve top.
Leo wearing Duns Sweden Daffodil Chestnut long sleeve top.
Ayda wearing Duns Sweden Green Rowanberry sleeveless twirly dress and mum Minnie wearing Duns Sweden Green Rowanberry wrap dress.
Dylan wearing Duns Sweden Deep Marine Blue Dill long sleeve top.
These photos remind us that beyond the perfectly posed Instagram shot there are so many children who are not represented - disabled children, non-white children, children with invisible disabilities, who are neuro-diverse, who don't look like the kids we see on brand social media feeds. Amazing, brilliant kids who wear these clothes every day and deserve to see themselves represented.
I hope this small project goes a little way towards redressing that balance.
The biggest thank you to Hattie, Hallie, Becky, Sara, Minnie - and their families - for taking part in this shoot. To Rosie and Kye; Logan, Sam, Ben, Dylan and Willow; Henry, Noah and Hattie; Ayda; Emily; and Hazel and Leo for bringing the joy. To Laura for having endless energy and huge talent, and to Duns Sweden for providing the clothes. You're all amazing!