The Destash Service
Our personalised service is here to take the drama out of destashing – we offer two options depending on what you have to sell and how you want to do it, and we’ll make sure it’s totally hassle-free. No dibs, no disappearing acts, no drama.

The Bulk Buy
Have a huge amount of Scandi and just want to pass it on? Our Bulk Buy option could be best for you. First you need to:
- Take general photographs of the items you have. These can be done in groups and don’t need to show full details of each piece, but should give an overall idea of what you want to sell
- Describe each piece accurately. We need to know the brand, the style, the size and most importantly, the condition. Please be precise and truthful, otherwise your items could be rejected
Once we’ve evaluated your items, we will come back to you with one single price for everything we want to take. We may decline some items based on condition or brand, but we will make this clear with an itemised list of what’s included in our price. The price you are given is the sale price of all items combined, minus our 25% fee for taking care of your destash.
When we’ve agreed a price, you then need to:
- Make sure everything is washed, crease-free and folded
- Package it up securely and post it via tracked delivery to us here at The Scandi Shop
As soon as we receive your package, we will check everything is in order and then transfer the agreed price to you, either via PayPal or bank transfer (whichever you prefer). Once you have received payment, the items are owned by The Scandi Shop and the destash is complete!
The Special Selection
If you have a smaller number of VIPs (Very Important Pieces) that you’d like us to sell, our Special Selection service is where it’s at. With this option, you will need to:
- Take detailed photos of each piece you want to sell, including close-ups of any marks or damage
- Describe each piece accurately. We need to know the brand, the style, the size and most importantly, the condition. Please be precise and truthful, otherwise your items could be rejected
- Tell us how much you would like to sell your items for, if you have a price in mind. If you don’t, we can advise
Once we’ve evaluated your items, we will come back with an individual price for each piece, which is 75% of the sale price. If you would rather take a credit note that you can spend at The Scandi Shop, our fee drops to 15% and you keep 85% of the sale price.
When we’ve agreed a price, you then need to:
- Make sure everything is washed, crease-free and folded
- Package it up securely and post it via tracked delivery to us here at The Scandi Shop
As soon as we receive your package, we will check everything is in order and then list your items on our website. When your items sell, we will transfer the agreed amount to you via PayPal or bank transfer (whichever you prefer). Payouts will be made once a week and will be combined if more than one item has sold in a single week.
We will keep your items listed at full price for three months. If an item has not sold within this time, we will contact you and ask to reduce the price of the item, or return it to you. We will keep your items listed at a reduced price for a further three months and if they still have not sold we will give you the option to receive them back or donate them to charity.
Live locally?
If you’re local to us here in Leeds, you’re more than welcome to arrange an appointment so we can have a rummage through your wares and chat about the process face to face. Our studio in North Leeds is 10 minutes from the city and we always have biscuits!
The small print
We accept clothing by Scandi brands as well as selected organic and retro brands like Frugi and Little Bird. We don't accept high street brands, handmade or vintage items.
We don't accept shoes, tights, socks, underwear, accessories or any non-clothing items (like toys or books).
We reserve the right to return items to you if they are not in saleable condition. If we have paid you for items that arrive in a different condition to that stated we will request a refund or partial refund of payment.