Secondhand Scandi Sources

I'm so pleased to offer a specialised selection of secondhand Scandi here at The Scandi Shop. Buying preloved is the most ethical way to shop - it's great for the environment, it extends the life of clothes made with love and it reduces the amount of waste heading to landfill. I love it!

When it comes to stocking the Secondhand Scandi Shop, I want to make sure my sourcing is just as ethical as the clothes themselves. That's why I'm totally upfront about where my preloved clothing comes from.

Many of the pieces in the Secondhand Scandi Shop are from my own personal collection. I also sell on behalf of friends and people who use the Destash Service. Finally, some items are sourced from abroad - I have lovely friends in countries like Sweden, Denmark and Belgium who help me find much-coveted items at reasonable prices to share with my lovely UK customers.

Wherever my items come from, I always pass on any savings to my customers and I *never* add large premiums to the prices. Items sourced from abroad usually have a small amount added to the original purchase price to cover shipping and admin costs. I don't sell on eBay and I don't sell over RRP.

If you'd like to know the origin of the pieces you buy, please just ask! And if there's ever anything specific you're searching for, let me know so I can keep an eye out.

Happy Scandi shopping!

Jen x